Hear the Silence of Central Otago

At first, the vastness and apparent emptiness of Central Otago echoes silence. To experience the silence is of course one of the physical things we recognise as something special to the Central Otago region. Discover New Zealand's Central Otago; it is as if the sounds of nature are magnified here.

The awe-inspiring silence fills thelandscape Central Otago adorns and its interplay with expansive skyscapes can humble the visitor. But for the sounds of the wind whistling through the ranges, there is silence.

The local too, giving in to contemplation, can be in awe! After being away for years many arrive home to Central Otago, stand still, take a breath and just ‘be’ - soaking in the still, soaking in the silence. Then, gently and slowly, in tune with this contemplative state, the sounds of Central Otago's silence are richly revealed.

Warm, gentle zephyr breezes turn tussocks into an ocean of gentle waves and reflect the sound in movement. You can chime in to the soft chorus of summer cicadas ‘clicking’. Your thoughts may be interrupted by a magpies 'ca-caw' or, during a gentle walk, you hear to the side a lizard scuttering off its sunny rock to the security of 'underneath'.

You can hear the gentle explosions of the lupin pods, using the sun’s heat to sow its seeds and secure its regeneration, while the background is filled with the soothing sounds of a babbling burn.

The distant call of the Karearea above and beyond is distinctive and defining, complementing the sense of vastness but tempered with a sense of impending immediacy.

Allowing oneself the space to realise these subtle sounds of silence sets the scene for stillness and quietness, triggering an increased sense of being among the natural order of things.

Welcome to the meditative rejuvenation of the soul, in a world of difference...
Central Otago Landscape
Central Otago NZ Landscape
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